Your Dog is Important, so We are Sure you Have Questions
How much does training cost?
We believe in the ethical and professional rule that we do not develop training plans nor diagnosis behavior problems until our trainer has personally sat down and evaluated the dog or dogs. With this in mind, we too know that hiring a dog trainer is a large investment in your dog’s future. For this, we have stated the cost of the three most common training classes Trainer Alyssa uses for most cases. You can find pricing and descriptions on the About page.
What kind of training does Trainer Alyssa do?
Most of Trainer Alyssa’s clients tend to be dogs around 2-4 years old with household manners and obedience issues. But, it is best to do training as soon as possible to break any habits before they become even worse.
Does Trainer Alyssa do Aggression Cases?
Aggression is a heart-breaking problem to have with a dog you love. Trainer Alyssa has dealt with dog-aggressive to child-aggressive dogs. Any aggression case before taken on is carefully vetted to see if the owner is willing or able to put in the effort to help their dog. It is also important that any truly aggressive dog is always seen as aggressive. Any training is strictly to reduce the stress or problem causing aggression and implementing methods for owners to use to keep others safe and also keep their dog’s quality of life good. As a general rule for all clients, any lying about aggression that could cause harm or death to another life or trainer will cause the client to immediately be fired with no refund.
Note: Not all clients have an actually aggressive dog. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to have an evaluation before any training.
What Kind of Payments are Excepted?
We are still excepting only cash and check. Payment for an evaluation is expected at the end of first the session. Payment for all classes agreed upon will be due at the start of the first class. Split payments are available.
Stay updated to when we will be accepting major card companies.